Savary CIO
What is pulling US stock market6s to new levels? Gold, Bond yields and stock markets are all going up in unison. Is this unusual ? Inflation could be the party-pooper. Beware of uplifts and revisions. PE ratio's are high already and can't be stretched much more therefore higher EPS are required… Savary CIO
What is pulling US stock market6s to new levels? Gold, Bond yields and stock markets are all going up in unison. Is this unusual ? Inflation could be the party-pooper. Beware of uplifts and revisions. PE ratio's are high already and can't be stretched much more therefore higher EPS are required… Savary lists the positives and negatives of a Trump administration for US stock investors. The US $ was strong following the election results but Francois cautions against a sustainably strong USD and expects a weaker USD next year. Bonds yields were higher and are not set to reduce in short term. Federal Reserve cut… index and Move index show that options pricing on S&P500 and T-Bonds is more expensive. Are stock market indexes more expensive than 2 years ago at the beginning of the bull run when measured in terms of earnings ? Some investors may be tempted away to bonds if the 10 yr reaches 4.5% yield.… Savary CIO What is pulling US stock market6s to new levels? Gold, Bond yields and stock markets are all going up in unison. Is this unusual ? Inflation could be the party-pooper. Beware of uplifts and revisions. PE ratio's are high already and can't be stretched much more therefore higher EPS are required… debt financing is one of the largets components of the budget and contributes to exacerbating the existing budget deficit problem. How long can markets continue to support US government fiscal policy. What are the areas where savings can be made. What ammunition does the Federal Reserve have supporting the markets and the…
Stick with Gold
Stick with Gold Francois Savary, Mark Williams discuss the weeks latest market questions. Joseph Stiglitz thinks the Fed is behind the curve and needs to make deep rate cuts. China exports show sharp increase especially to Europe. Is this caused by price dumping or by demand ? WTI Crude is nearly down to 2023 lows:- Due to…